Tanner's ePortfolio

Mission Statement

As a future physical therapist, I want my clients to enjoy their therapy sessions instead of seeing them as a burden. While still increasing their ability to function within society by optimizing the quality of their life through prescribed exercises, hands-on patient-centered care, and patient education.

In order for this to be accomplished everyday I have to bring my compassion to help others, communicate effectively, and listen to each client. I will need to relate each session towards their interests to get them engaged and motivated. Doing this with each client, I can slowly understand their situation and build a relationship with them.

I will know if these goals are being achieved if my clients bring more energy into every session, they notice improvements in functional abilities, and my clients are self-motivated to attain their goals. These aspects are important to me because I want all my clients to reach or surpass their goals, while being more knowledgeable and motivated to live a healthy lifestyle.

I will grow and change as a physical therapist through my experiences of assisting all different individuals. I believe it is important to track your progress and take notes on what you have done well or what you could have improved on. However, each client is different and requires different things to accomplish their goals. Most of my growth will come from communicating with each client to understand what they truly need from me.